
Please have your nominations in before
Sunday April 13 at 11:59 pm.



Nominate Nominated! Alliant Credit Union
Nominate Nominated! BankIowa
Nominate Nominated! Cedar Rapids Bank & Trust
Nominate Nominated! Collins Community Credit Union
Nominate Nominated! Contract Exchange Corporation
Nominate Nominated! Dupaco Community Credit Union
Nominate Nominated! Erickson, James, AGT
Nominate Nominated! GreenState Credit Union
Nominate Nominated! Hall Lending Group
Nominate Nominated! Hills Bank and Trust Company
Nominate Nominated! Homeservices Lending
Nominate Nominated! Hometown Cash Advance
Nominate Nominated! Linn Area Credit Union
Nominate Nominated! OneMain Financial
Nominate Nominated! Peter Halvorson-Mortgage Loan Officer
Nominate Nominated! Premier Escrow Services, LC
Nominate Nominated! Promoted Business Sample
Nominate Nominated! U.S. Bank
Nominate Nominated! Veridian Credit Union
Showing of entries.
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